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Cracking the Interview Code: Mastering Advanced Thinking and Presentation Skills

面試準備 | 面試的問與答、進階的思考與展現

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Identify their Concerns

Put yourself in the interviewer's shoes and consider their concerns. Anticipating these concerns allows you to proactively address them and provide reassurance through your answers.
站在對方的角度思考、換位思考 / 洞察的力量

Demonstrate your Value

Highlight your unique skills, accomplishments, and experiences that directly align with the company's requirements. Show how your abilities and achievements make you a valuable asset and a strong fit for the role.
盤點自己所具備的「能力」/ 找到個人定位、展示對比

Present Your Unique Perspective to the Interviewer

During the interview, take the opportunity to showcase your unique perspective to the interviewer. Share insights, ideas, and viewpoints that differentiate you from other candidates and demonstrate your value.
觀點決勝負 / 觀點力是未來最有價值的能力之一 / 通過閱讀顯現微差觀點

Demonstrate Critical Thinking

Highlight your critical thinking abilities by providing thoughtful analysis and reasoning. Engage in intellectual discussions, ask insightful questions, and offer creative solutions to demonstrate your ability to think critically and contribute valuable perspectives to the organization.
批判性思維能力,展示立論依據的能力 / 問問題的能力

Share Relevant Experiences

Draw from your past experiences to illustrate how your unique perspective has positively impacted your work. Share examples where you brought fresh ideas, innovative approaches, or alternative viewpoints to solve challenges or drive positive change.
分享相關經驗 / 舉例很重要 / 具體才能被看見

Connect with their Goals &  Company Values

Research the company's mission, values, and goals to understand what drives their decision-making. Tailor your responses to demonstrate how your expertise and perspective can contribute to their objectives and overcome challenges.
了解對方的目標和價值觀,並與之相關聯,打開機會之門 / P-O fit(Person-Organization fit)個人與組織的適配程度

Highlight Diverse Backgrounds

If you have a diverse background or have lived and worked in different cultures or industries, emphasize how your unique experiences have shaped your perspective. Discuss how these diverse experiences have equipped you with adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and a broadened worldview.
個人品牌 / 想想「你,是誰?」

Tell Impactful Stories

Use specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your capabilities and achievements. Share success stories that showcase your problem-solving skills, adaptability, leadership, or teamwork, demonstrating your ability to deliver results.

Exude Confidence and Authenticity

Communicate with confidence, maintain positive body language, and be genuine in your responses. Showcasing your authentic self allows the interviewer to gauge your personality and how well you would fit within their team and company culture.
說「真的」很重要 / 「言過其實」是個雷 / 展現自信與真實性

By uncovering what the interviewer truly wants to know, addressing their concerns, illustrating your value, connecting with their aspirations, sharing impactful stories, and projecting confidence and authenticity, you can optimize your interview performance and increase your chances of success.

∵  Tips for Applicants